Hourly rate (每小時):請內洽 (not incl engineer 不含錄音師)
Day rate (10 hours) 一天 (10小時):請內洽 (not incl engineer 不含錄音師)
Engineer 錄音師:請內洽/hour(每小時)
Donation policy (for those in need only): Tell us what you can afford and that's the price. Contact us for more details.
Parking space 室內停車位:free for one car 免費一位 (please let us know in advance if needed 若有需要請提前告知)
聯絡 Contact:
Email: booking@nlm-productions.com
微博: 北極光音樂
IG: nlm.studios
FB: Northern Light Music Studios - 北極光錄音室
Booking inquiry
Studio Address
100 台北市中正區廈門街113巷10之5號8F
8F., No. 10-5, Lane 113, Xiamen Street, Taipei 100, Taiwan
Parking space 室內停車位:free for one car 免費一位 (please let us know in advance if needed 若有需要請提前告知)